Your dedicated WorkForce411 HR Business Partner will act as your trusted
HR Advisor on a multitude of HR issues including but not limited to:

Job advertisements, sourcing candidates, interview questions, assessments, background checks,  employment offers

Required new hire paperwork, orientation, training and integration into the company and new job

Payroll Wage/Hour Compliance
Regular-time, over-time, meal breaks, rest breaks, travel pay, overnight pay, sick-time, etc…

Employment Classification
Non-Exempt/Hourly, Exempt/Salaried,  Commission Only, Temporary, Independent Contractor, Vendor, Workers’ Comp class code

Policies & Procedure
Employee Handbook, Drug and Alcohol,  Sexual Harassment Prevention, Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, Return-to-Work. 

Compensation and Benefits
Salary ranges, pay bands and grades, commission structures, rewards and recognition, pay-for-performance, Benefit plans, total-rewards design and implementation, ERISA, ACA 

Claims Management
Disability, Unemployment, Leaves of Absence, Wage and Hour, Workers’ Compensation

Labor Compliance
USERRA, FMLA, Paid Family Leave, Pregnancy Disability Leave, ADA, EEOC

Claims of harassment, discrimination, bullying, theft, misconduct

Disciplinary Actions and Documentation, Performance Improvement, Progressive Discipline, Involuntary Termination

Available on an hourly or  monthly subscription basis. 
Click here to contact us about how HR ON CALL can work for you